Day 3 migraine. I really needed a couple things from the store but was so scared to try it. I finally decided to ask my mom for help. She did a grocery store run for me and I gave her some art (thank you mom for your help.) Now if I could only find someone who would do my dishes, laundry and cleaning for art I'd be set :) Maybe this creature could be of service. If a Dr Seuss type creature and a Monty Python style hand had a radioactive baby this would be it. Here is a link to the Free Art Fridays page for those who have misplaced it. If you should have a password to the page but have lost it. Please contact Rhonda to get a new one. What happened to the Listia creatures?Remember these guys? They didn't find a home here on the blog so we sent them over to Listia to find a home. In the process we were able to bring several more people to the blog! So how did they fair? Well I'm pleased to announce that one of these two creatures reached my highest creature auction credit bid EVER receiving a grand total of 12,576 credits!!!! The previous years creature card that had the highest bid received 5k credits. I have listed the total number of credit each card went for under that card. Thanks to all who bid and congratulations to those who fought hard and won!
(Over time inflation has affected the credits buying power on the Listia system but these are still very good numbers.)
Dawn Dalrymple
1/26/2013 09:10:40 pm
Way to go on the Listia credits! I bid on the fabulous moustace man myself. He has a wondeful 70's pop art feel to him that reminded me of a creature you might find in the Beatles Yellow Submarine movie. I was so sad when I was outbid, the winner is super lucky to have won him. It is a stunning little work of art.
Rhonda Chase
1/27/2013 05:04:03 am
Thanks! I was amazed to see the end results :) I've had a few people remark that it reminded me of an album cover from that time period. He is very fortunate to have won yes, but there is still good news for you. Any creature you see I can make an ATC print of for just $5.00. They are printed on very nice 140lb strathmore watercolor paper and look very close to the original. Just something to think about should you decide you would like any of the cards you are unable to win. I've got your card all packaged up and ready to go out on Monday! ( I could always add something )
chris afgani
1/27/2013 04:02:48 am
Tehehe :)) id like to name the mustachioed fella "monsieur detective". As for the description, well his lower half reminds me of a fingerprint so im obliged to go with: One of the absolute best the global anti-crime syndicate's forensic science division (or GACSFSD for short) has ever seen, he's found evidence in even the most doubtful of situations. In the recent years, a scandal came about claiming that some of his dna work has been forged. However, when backup investegators were called in, they found no single bit of misconduct. This only added to his validity and reputation. Some could say that this type of work is just in his DNA (referencing the bottom half of the card looking like a fingerprint)."
Rhonda Chase
1/27/2013 05:06:06 am
HA! I love the acronym. I wonder how that would be pronounced. Love the name and story :) I didn't realize the bottom resembled a finger print. Nice twist. Thanks for the collaboration and for your hard work bidding to win this fellow.
Diane Kaiser
1/28/2013 02:40:19 am
I am loving this one too. I would love to have them all. And as a fellow Listian, congrats on the awesome auctions. I will keep an eye out for your work there too. Please enter me into this drawing.
Rhonda Chase
1/28/2013 03:12:23 am
I'm glad you found another card you loved! You are officially entered to win this card :) We may have one coming up in a few days but otherwise I was thinking about putting a card I recently colored, as a test for my new coloring cards, up on listia. I need to get more work on here first I think. I'm so easily distractible I'm not really sure when that will happen. Eventually.
Rhonda Chase
2/2/2013 08:38:54 am
Congratulations Diane you won!
Rhonda Chase
2/2/2013 08:55:13 am
I have a very good friend who's name is Darin Kaiser. My dislexia made me look at your name so many times lol. I had to ask him if he had a sister. There is only one letter difference in your names! MY BRAIN! lol so nice to meet you. So you found me through listia?
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October 2015