Two Piece ATC set by Rhonda & Ashley ChaseFirst off todays card is a two piece atc set. Yup that is right. The winner gets the whole set. Today is also the very last day of the month. That means if you haven't won anything yet this is your last chance to do so before we shift over to a new month. I think it would be fun to make the last day of the month a special day. That way anyone who hasn't been fortunate enough to win or has just not entered can have one last shot at something extra special. The last day will be bigger or fancier, (in some way that I have yet to fully decide), than the previous days creatures. Ash made the splotch for this card in September of last year in preparation for a splotch saturday event. I encouraged her against making splotches that went across more than one page after she made it... perhaps I'm reconsidering. She also helped me decide to give this creature a tail instead of legs and told me when I was done (although I added just a little more that she liked.) Today has been a very long day packed with lots of stories you may find interesting that would probably make a less than boring television show... I'm just tired. It's a long day so there is more to talk about and less energy to do it in... :( If I tell you really fast that will just induce a series of questions that will probably take longer to answer than writing this. I've possibly used more energy just making excuses why not to tell you about today. In order to give you potential insight into the drawing I shall attempt it in a mild over view kinda way. I had an appointment in Eugene today a bit after one pm. I had kept Ash home from school the day before for stomach pain. I had a really hard time falling asleep last night. When I woke up this morning it was 9 am already and I'd slept through the alarms to get Ash off to the bus. I wasn't really sure if she was feeling better or not and I'd run out of time to take her into school. I got everyone packed up and took them to my mom at church where she was meeting with some other ladies. After that I headed out to Eugene. Eugene is about a 2 hr drive from where I live give a little. As I was passing by Toledo (15 min out of town) I saw a female solo hitchhiker on the side of the rode looking for a ride. I've always wanted to pick up a hitchhiker but for various reasons have decided against it. I pulled over a bit past her and she didn't notice. I thought about it a bit and left. I got about 5 miles down the road and pulled over. I prayed a bit and thought about it, adrenaline rushing. I turned around and headed back. This time I was able to pull up right near her. I asked her where she was headed and she said Eugene. I then was fortunate enough to enjoy her company all the way to my destination. She had just been in Toledo visiting her daughter who is the same age as my son. We shared many similar interests and had stories to tell that interacted well together. I must say I really enjoyed it. Next time she comes down to visit her daughter she is going to give me a call. After that the appointment went smoothly with some interesting discussions with the doctor spurred by my choice in activist t-shirt. We had very contradicting views but were able to have a comfortable discussion without anyone being aggravated I can't imagine I changed her view but I did enjoy our talk. I need a bit more practice at that. Finished with my appointment I drove home alone. I missed the company. It felt like a much longer drive back. I started the card in the doctors office but really didn't have much time to get into it. I finished it in bed with Ash sitting next to me on the ipad somewhere in the 8pm range.
From the winner: This card seems to me to be some sort of non-corporeal space overlord ,and his many minions, involved in a great rending of their universe I have to really concentrate to think about what I've done in a day. The doctor says it's focus and not memory. Not sure I know how to improve focus. Lets see... nope. No clue what I did this morning. Was probably online. We did go out to help a friend get to their car and pick up some food goodies. Oh yeah now I remember. I play a game on fb with a group of people from around the world. We have become like family and it is a joy for me to interact with them. They are also great supporters of my work. We are on the last day of a war so I got up kinda early to check on my character, put their belt on and maybe do some fighting. So basically online :) My sweetie says I'm a nerd. He says likes that about me. It's a good thing too, should I be up all night playing an online MMORPG one day in the future. Had a bit of strange mystery on Listia today. One of the other artists contacted me about finding some of the cards on ebay. The cards she thought were mine were in fact a different artist but they were still being sold by someone other than the artist. It was strange to see, but as an artist eventually someone is going to try to sell your work. It's tricky with listia though. I think there is an unspoken expectation that you are giving your work away to someone who will care for it. It's like finding your long lost child in a sweat house. I have enough trouble selling my work right now so if they had mine I'd wish them good luck on it. (not that my work will not increase in value over time just not as quickly as they are doing in this case.) I sorta felt like Monsieur Detective. Today's card was inspired by a new friend of mine's previous zen creations. I'd love to share her work with you, but I should ask first :) I love seeing all your creations. Thanks so much for the inspiration everyone gives me.
This is, I believe, an unintentional self portrait. My creature portrait lol. I feel like I can relate to the dynamics of the character and it's emotional presence. I did get some dishes done today. YAY Also I wanted to mention one of my supporters wrote up a blog about me and the project. I really appreciate any shout outs anyone gives! They help us with the goal of the project. To get more art out to more people. It is with your help that this goal can be fully realized. Here is a link to the blog for you to read. It may be difficult to see at first (blurring your eyes may help) but these two cards are birthed from the same splotch. I took the paint on the card and sandwiched another card on top then let them dry together. I decided not to try to make them anything alike. For some reason I like the way this card looks upside down.
A friend of mine mentioned he was trying his hand at splotch and was having a little trouble with it. I remembered having made this video a while back for a friend. After watching it I realized both cards featured have been finished this month. I didn't realize Kaleb had worked on those splotches. Because of that I've decided to share this with everyone. The first person to name both card days correctly in a comment, will win a creature ATC print of their choice for Free! Here are just a couple extra points.
It's nice to get a lot of color on the brush, but you will find a variety of techniques create a diverse group of splotches. I stuck two of mine together to let them dry. It created some neat effects (Day 9.) I've also used a penny sleeve to smear them (Day 20). Some have been just a few swipes of a color loaded brush (Splotch Creature Dragonfly #67.) Have fun. I look forward to seeing what you come up with! You can share them with me here. I was noticing how much I liked the look of the cards when I work with the negative space. They end up being a complete narrative moment. I didn't want to out today but I needed to go to the bank, wanted to pick up some food for the kids to eat, and had to drop by the gallery to get my final checks and give up my key. That reminds me I still have half an Alaskan fish sandwich in my purse... hmm.
I felt better this morning but didn't want to try to take on too much so I worked on the Creatures by Medium pages. They are both a slide show of the Created Creatures but also a way to purchase prints. Now that I can print from home on really great paper to a standard that pleases me I wanted to make all the creatures available. I am trying very hard not to discriminate. It's a lot of pictures and I wonder if paring it down a bit would be beneficial. What do you think? I know not every day is an A+ piece... some might even barely be passing. I plan to list every single creature in the Creature Chronology since even those less than loved images may contain a fabulous story. I was putting together some of the recent winners cards for mailing when I realized I super over exposed some of the last few images trying to get a white background. I will work on those and change them as I get them fixed. I may have to wait until a day when I can see really well. While I was finishing up the Splotch Creature page I was reminded of the roots of Splotch and how I was introduced to them. A friend and supporter of the project on Listia last year happend upon the artist Steve Loya. He was working on a similar project at the time making a splotch creature every day. My friend was interested in seeing my interpretation of them. My splotches have come a long way since then. It was nice to see Steve's work again and take inspiration from it. Today's card is dedicated to Steve who I don't know :)
For those who didn't win but would still like a super high quality, almost as good as the original, print (and help support the project) click below. This card is Splotch Creature #50
Day 3 migraine. I really needed a couple things from the store but was so scared to try it. I finally decided to ask my mom for help. She did a grocery store run for me and I gave her some art (thank you mom for your help.) Now if I could only find someone who would do my dishes, laundry and cleaning for art I'd be set :) Maybe this creature could be of service. If a Dr Seuss type creature and a Monty Python style hand had a radioactive baby this would be it. Here is a link to the Free Art Fridays page for those who have misplaced it. If you should have a password to the page but have lost it. Please contact Rhonda to get a new one. What happened to the Listia creatures?If I was to title this I would call it the Snoth. A snail sloth mix. I didn't realize it until after the creature was done but this is a pretty good representation of how I feel. I'm hanging in there. My head still hurts. It's not quite as bad as yesterday but my vision is pretty blurry and lights still hurt. Like the Snoth I am tired and cranky.
I was able to get some work done on the website while in bed. I just can't sleep forever. I updated the prices for the Creature coloring cards and the Greeting cards. I'm about a third of the way done with half of the creature inventory list. Hopefully I can get the Creatures by Medium list up soon. *I have a special surprise exclusive extra creature for the Free Art Fridays kickstarter pledgers who are still stopping by to get art. Enjoy! Woke up with a migraine and had to reschedule my long distance dr apt today. At this point I have the brightness all the way down on my computer and it still hurts to look at it. My vision is pretty blurry and my head is killing me. If I stand up my head will pound with my heart beat in a demobilizing way. I tried to work at what was probably my best time but the light really wore on me. Taking the photo and working on it were probably the worst because of the brightness required. I am not completely sure how I got it done or what it is but here you go.
"Onion X"Title: Onion X Ever tried to jelly an onion? Let's just say that you shouldn't because it can go disastrously wrong! Case in point: this creature. I've got a little bit of a headache developing so it's tricky to focus and tell you about today or this card. I spent much of my time this morning working on this website. I changed the tabs up a little bit adding a Creature shop separated a little from the project information. I also added Creature Coloring Cards. Ever want to color your own creature? Well here is the chance and on super high quality 140 lb Strathmore watercolor paper!
As for the card I was thinking about what my mom told me yesterday was. The 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade. Not sure if it affected the card. Also if anyone would like to share a photo of the creature that they won here on the blog in it's new habitat I would love to start a page for photos. Also if you color your own card I would love to see that too! I have the contact page set up so that you can upload a photograph there for me :) |
When searching for a creature use the specific name or number only for best results.
October 2015