Final bid 560 credits. This card will live in Michigan.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Leap Year! I wanted to make a card today for the occasion. Something leaping, so I took out my cartooning book that I used first on Card # 29 in January (didn't intend for it to be the same number but hey that worked well lol) and also on Card #2 in the ATC Edition. The creatures tend to have more simplified cartoony forms thanks to the inspiration of the book. I generally appropriate a figure whose pose I am drawn to and then try to make that into a monster. There were a number that could have been leaping but I liked this one the most. Mainly I made the pincer hands, added teeth and spots. This is my first attempt and white spots. I have been trying to find more variations to add to the creatures in the patterning department, hoping for more variety and texture. My mom brought up the idea that at least some of the cards seem to stem from my subconscious. Which makes people wonder what was in my head on a specific day after they see the cards. Due to that I am discovering that just mentioning about the card isn't sufficient enough to obtain that part of the story. I'm not inclined to talk a lot about myself or my day, finding it to not be very interesting, but with this new concept I am going to try to add a bit more information for people to enjoy and extrapolate from. Today Ash's rash returned full force so I opted her out of school and took her to the doctor. They could only get us in around 3:40pm. The doc prescribed various ointments and some medication to help with the itching. She is actually asleep already due to it. I'm thinking I might not take her to school tomorrow either to monitor her reaction to the medication further. I feel bad for her, and strangely a bit like a bad parent. Not that I can help the situations. She has been sick with a fever and now with the rash much of this month. I'm starting to have to combat laziness coupled with the sickness, not always being able to tell if she is actually sick so she should stay home or not. I do wonder if the spots on my creature have something to do with all the illness of late.
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When searching for a creature use the specific name or number only for best results.
October 2015